How to JUMPSTART your body’s metabolism (get into FAT BURNING mode)

Tech Kaya
3 min readNov 9, 2018


Here are my 7 tips to effectively boost your body’s metabolism:

These 7 tips focus on implementing more thermogenic food in your diet

WHY Thermogenic foods?


Thermogenic foods can boost your metabolism by 5% and boost your fat burning by 15–16%

(Thermogenic foods are foods you eat or drink that help you digest faster including digesting excess energy on your body composition).

How to Effectively Boost Your Metabolism:

#1). Include Protein snacks between each meal

Try eating protein snacks such as almonds, greek yogurt, a hard-boiled egg, peanut butter with apple slices or celery sticks, or cottage cheese between meals so your metabolism continues to work.

#2). Add some Ginger to meals & snacks

Maybe add some ginger to your tea, or add it to your chicken seasoning.

Spice it up!

#3). Drink Coffee!

The most effective effects of coffee come from drinking coffee BLACK! So make sure your coffee is BLACK;

This is how you will be able to get the best benefits from the caffeine like boosting your memory, cleansing your digestion system, helps weight loss, makes you smarter, and much more.

It acts as a way to boost your metabolism and as well as giving you the added bonus of energy for your productivity which are both AWESOME.

Stay away from all these sugary and creamy coffees and latte’s from Starbucks, Dunkin Donuts, and more.

These drinks have too much sugar and unhealthy fats.

#4). Drink Green tea!

It is proven that green tea has raised metabolism of anyone after its consumption by more than 2%.

#5). Add Cinnamon to your meals or drinks (I LOVE cinnamon in tea or coffee)

Cinnamon helps us reduce our craving for sweet food when we diet, which helps a ton for many.

For example, add cinnamon to your coffee to give that sweet flavor or maybe add it to your batch of protein pancakes.

#6). Eat Spicy food!

Spices added to your meal will immediately boost your metabolism hours after your meal.

Scientific Studies have shown that those who love to eat spicy & hot food tend to have a higher testosterone than those who do not.

Studies have also shown that hot & spicy food boost your mood, since they activate pain receptors in our mouths causing the release of endorphins, “the body’s feel good chemical.”

Spicy food is win win for later, but you’ll sure feel pain at the moment.

#7). Try out an Anti-Belly Seasoning which is the mix of two seasonings: curry and black pepper.

These two seasonings together are anti-inflammatory. They fight off obesity, inflammation of fat cells, and diabetes.

These tips can work if you properly know how to count calories, and you aren’t under eating or over eating.

Once you know HOW to eat RIGHT and you will get results for your goals.

These tips for your repertoire will help you boost your metabolism to get into fat burning mode quicker.

The higher your metabolism, the faster your body can digest nutrients and burn calories AKA meaning you can burn excess energy in your body.

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Tech Kaya

I help you Improve your Skills in Tech, Coding, Email Marketing, Copywriting, Marketing, Sales, and Self Improvement.