How to Master a Skill to Expert level

Tech Kaya
7 min readNov 9, 2018


“I am the type to obsess over the idea of making money fast. I know it is not something that you can do literally overnight, but I just fixate over the idea of having options within 48 hours.”

I once read a book named Mastery by the best-selling author Robert Greene.

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Other books that he wrote that became a huge success in the business & self improvement industries includes the 48 Laws of Power, The Art of Seduction, and the 33 Strategies of War.

Reading the 48 laws of Power made me want to go out to Barnes and Nobles, and buy Mastery by Robert Greene

..and so I did. I spent more than 20 bucks on his books. I am guilty.

But his books seem more than what the price is, as it feels like an investment in developming myself.

The way these books teach you how to handle the real world as cruel and beautiful as it is. The 48 Laws of Power book really helped me keep my ground in life attempting not to hurt anyone, making enemies, and giving away my plans to others so easy.

Once I read Mastery…

I became so interested into finding a mentor aiming to become their apprentice. I wanted to do so many things. I wanted Financial Freedom. So I did what any impatient 21 year old would do finding out about the self improvement space. I spend so much time and let it go by past me. As I edit these blog posts from my past, now it being 2021 (26 years old today)… I find myself seeing that I spent too much time dabbling in money making opportunities instead of following through on one course until successful.

I find that if you just simply focus on one thing like the idealogy from Gary Keller’s book, the One Thing. Then that one thing will become a success for you as you aren’t spreading yourself too thin.

idk if it’s an business type characteristic where I always want to innovate or I just wanted to find out what career path I really wanted to work on, but damn I am glad to have Robert Greene’s book in library.

So then I realized…

The point of the Mastery Book is to really develop your craft. Focus in on your desired skill/craft, find the basics, stick to the basics. Master the ins and outs, find yourself a mentor, become an apprentice. Soon enough, after a countless amount of hours and sweat equity into your craft like its your passion is what gives you those expert skills in your profession.

He has many different strategies, tactics, mindsets, and ideas in his Mastery Book to become powerful to accomplish most of your massive achievements.

Here’s a video edit of Robert Greene’s awesome talks:

What you do with your work, and the people you affect with your work matters.

Character Traits Robert suggests to be Great and Powerful:

1) Don’t blame anyone why you aren’t a success, take full responsibility

Take full responsibility for all the failures and short-comings you encounter. When you accept that you haven’t achieved success in something, you might just end up learning what is keeping you from succeeding. You will grow as a person and find the variable(s) that was stopping your success.

2) Believe you are the creator of your life’s destiny

The ones who made their live’s dreams come true, were those who believed that they can create their future. Those who believed in creating something for themselves lived a much more happier and successful life.

3) Learn from your mistakes

Failure is never a loss, it is a mindset. Whenever you fail, you must see it as an opportunity. An opportunity to learn from it and to find out what made you have that setback. Failures are never mistakes, they are opportunities for you to learn why you didn’t succeed yet and how to succeed (two most important words -> “Why” & “How”)

4) Be resourceful

The ultimate resource is resourcefulness. When you have the ability to use what you have and what you can obtain to get from point A to point B, the satisfaction you receive from the rewards are much more satisfying and your success could possibly be accelerated too.

5) Have a passion for your work

Without having a passion for your work, you will not be excited to get more work done. You will not be happy to work more hours. No passion = no love for the work. No love for the work = mediocre value. Work for things that you have a passion for.

I completely understand how it is to have to work to pay the bills, but hey you have to figure out a way of making money where you won’t have to hate waking up and going to work. You can do it, find what’s right for you.

6) Be Curious

Curiosity helps people learn more. Curiosity drives progress in something. Being curious for something makes you want to learn more and more which can be very helpful with connecting with people, mastering skills, investing in new opportunities, having great adventures.

7) Don’t get distracted, stay focused

Keep focus on your goals and say no to distractions. Distractions will keep you off the track and slow you down from achieving progress. People like Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, and Steven Spielberg all had one industry. They focused in on that one thing, and it made them extremely successful. Stay focused and keep mastering your thing.

Now there are two types of distractions, long term and short term distractions. A short term distraction could be like you are working on a project, and a co-worker comes in and asks you to go get food with him/her or he/she could talking about their spouse’s drama… you get the idea. A long term distraction could be for example that you want to become a really successful real estate agent, but you work at an insurance company for the bills. You’ve worked 40 hours and you go part time at night to your Realty to learn about the job with your broker, but your insurance company boss obliged you to work extra time, and this makes you miss your time at the realty so you are left distracted from your long term goal.

8) Focus intensely and practice that skill

You might have been given gifts and talents that other people can’t have as great as you or you just on the brink of finding out your talents; whatever situation you are in once you know your great talent… hone in on your skills and master them.

Perfect them and focus intensely on creating value(something someone would pay $ for) with your skills. Use those skills to create your desired lifestyle.

9) Be creative

Creativity can enable you to create anything you desire. The world is full of opportunities, but you have to be creative to make them work for you.

10) Become self-reliant (go and get what you need)

An independent person can go out and get what he/she needs. That type of person can build the life they want. Don’t rely on others for what you need. Make yourself independent and capable of winning without help.

Better yet to be really powerful, have people depend on you.

11) Believe that uncertainty is not a bad thing, uncertainty is almost always better than unhappiness

Uncertainty is not bad, unhappiness is just awful. Living a life of unhappiness for a long time can really hurt you mentally, emotionally, and even physically.

Live the way you want, if you can’t live it that way right now, make that your vision and goal, so get to work.

Uncertainty and failing is much better than unhappiness and looking back at your life regretting that you had not really lived or tried to live.

It’s better to say you tried then to not have tried at all because you would never know what could have been.

12) Understand that work is an integral part of your life

Work is an integral part of your life, and there is no other way around it unless you win the jackpot lotto, or you’re already rich. Let’s face it, we live in a capitalistic type of world, and work is the only way to buy all your needs (or gov’t help — no offense if you’re reading this please try to get more independent).

Your work will take up most of your hours in the week and if you aren’t enjoying it, change your work.

13) Your amount of ambition and passion will determine your success

The amount of ambition you possess will show how motivated you are to work and accomplish your dreams. The amount of passion you have will show much you can push through the hard hours of work and grind.

Combine the two and you will see how far you can go.

14) You aren’t entitled to anything, believe you have to hustle for your dreams.

Self-entitlement is the dream killer of most people.

When you were born, you were never stamped on your head that you deserve everything that you want.

You didn’t even do anything for it! You have to contribute to society and the world in order for you to really get what you want. Your success is in direct proportion to the value you can deliver and perceive to the world.

I hope you enjoyed reading this post.

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Tech Kaya

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List of Books Featured in this Post:

Mastery by Robert Greene
48 Laws of Power by Robert Greene
The Art of Seduction by Robert Greene
33 Strategies of War by Robert Greene



Tech Kaya

I help you Improve your Skills in Tech, Coding, Email Marketing, Copywriting, Marketing, Sales, and Self Improvement.