The Wolf of Wall Street’s Sales Process (Step by Step Straight Line Persuasion)

Tech Kaya
3 min readAug 10, 2019

After working a week in Training as a Salesman with a company partnered with Verizon.

I’ve been taught by a great sales trainer who seems to have only listened to Jordan Belfort’s Sales Trainings.

Verizon Fios Successful salespersons in NYC are using this 12 step process… and so have I used these steps the past month in training.

Jordan Belfort actually has made a video on these twelve steps if you want to watch them.

The Straight Line Syntax (Twelve Steps to Close Anyone):

  1. Take immediate control — > show the prospect you are the Expert and Authority Salesman of your Product
  2. Gather info. —> they will tell you their pain
  3. Build Rapport — > the same time you are gathering info.. you are building rapport using body language & tonality
  4. Transition “Based on what you told me… this is great for you…” — > offer them what you think is best for them
  5. Presentation —> bring up the top 3 benefits that sell the most
  6. Ask for the Order
  7. Deflection —see what’s their certainty if it makes sense (1–10) let me ask you this… “this product can help solve XYZ problem if you buy now, does that idea make sense?”
  8. Reloop (the average sale takes 3 presentations) —> present new facts |every reloop ends in asking for the order
  9. Action Threshold —> whats keeping you from getting yourself this Product? Present additional benefits to lower action threshold
  10. Pain threshold —> use the pain from gather info Step— family, business, income, or money per month savings
  11. Reloop —> “you’re worth more than this.. wouldn’t it be nice to have xyz relieve you from this Problem?”
  12. Rehash for life —> AFTER THE CLOSE… “I am really glad I could help… I don’t really get rich off of sales… I grow my business through referrals… do you know anybody who can get helped the same way I helped you?”

Use Jordan Belfort’s Straight Line Syntax to close more sales, make the foundation of your pipeline and increase your income.

These steps are legit.

To get a deeper understanding of this… I’ll give you guys the same notes I took from the Verizon Sales Training on these Twelve Steps selling Verizon below

Fios Twelve Steps Example:

  1. Take immediate control
  2. Gather info. —> they will tell you their pain
  3. Build Rapport
  4. Transition “Based on what you told me… this is great for you…”
  5. Presentation —> bring up the benefits that sell
  6. Ask for the Order
  7. Deflection —see what’s their certainty if it makes sense (1–10) let me ask you this… save you $30, get you a better internet service
  8. Reloop (the average sale takes 3 presentations) —> present new facts. —->. every reloop ends in asking for the order
  9. Action Threshold —> whats keeping you from getting yourself Fios? 7 words !!! Let me ask you this… does the idea of Fios Internet make sense to you? You save $30, get faster internet, a promo, don’t pay till 20–30 days after installation date, and can start watching tv on the app right now once you set a date… let’s get you approved
  10. Pain threshold —> use the pain from gather info — family, WiFi speed, lag, and money per month savings
  11. Reloop —> you’re worth more than this.. fios gives you an internet service that’s way faster than you need it to be.. and that’s why you should want it. Because it’s priced at a better or reasonable price… wouldn’t it be good… to see the best video quality and connection on skype or FaceTime.. you won’t disconnect, lag, or have bad connection
  12. Rehash for life —> really glad I could help… I don’t really get rich off of sales… I grow my business through referrals… do you know anybody who can get helped the same way I helped you?

THANKS for taking the time to look at this post, read it, and hopefully later on refer back to it for the Twelve Steps to Close Anyone by Jordan Belfort.

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Tech Kaya

I help you Improve your Skills in Tech, Coding, Email Marketing, Copywriting, Marketing, Sales, and Self Improvement.